CutBank 102

Winter/Spring 2025


Exclusive Interview with Heid E. Erdrich

Poetry by Michelle Patton, Jen Frantz, Temperance Aghamohammadi, Jake Arrowtop, Michael Lavers, and Rebecca Faulkner

Fiction by Brian J. Buchanan and Andreas Trolf

Nonfiction by Sasha Ree Wohlpart, Diane Zinna, and Don Lago

Translation by Yujing Liang

Interior Art by Morgan Binkerd

Big Sky, Small Prose Flash Contest Winner, Insley Smullen

Big Sky, Small Prose Flash Contest Runners-up, Amy Marques and Sara Dudo

Cover Art by Morgan Binkerd, “Like a riverbed, like roots, like veins, like a forgotten incantation I’ll spend my whole life trying to remember”

$10.00, plus $3.00 shipping and handling


2024-25 Chapbook Orders Now Open!

Lisa Beech Hartz: 2024-25 Chapbook Contest Winner for These Kismets (poetry)

Allison Field Bell: 2024-25 Chapbook Contest Runner-Up for Edge of the Sea (nonfiction/essays)

Julie Marie Wade: 2024-25 Chapbook Contest Runner-Up for Fisk, by Analogy (nonfiction/essay)


CutBank 101

Summer/Fall 2024


Exclusive interview with Debra Magpie Earling.

Poetry by Janée J. Baugher, Rebecca Clarren, Libby Leonard, and Brent Schaeffer.

Fiction by Michael Balatico and Jake Lancaster.

Nonfiction by David Tippetts.

Translation by Iván Brave and Donald Williams.

Interior art by Vincenzo Cohen.

Patricia Goedicke Poetry prize winner, Caitlin Scarano, Montana Fiction Prize winner William E. Klein, and Montana Nonfiction Prize winner Ruby Murray Hansen.

Cover Art: “Eland’s Third Dimensions” by Vincenzo Cohen.

$10.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling.

CutBank 100 - Order Now!

Winter/Spring 2024


Exclusive interview with Lidia Yuknavitch.

Poetry by Joseph Byrd, Isha Camara, Patrick Holian, and Mickey Kennedy.

Fiction by Janelle Bassett, Max Kruger- Dull, and Thea Swanson.

Nonfiction by Lauren Fath and Angela Townsend.

Interior art by Eli Boveroux.

Big Sky, Small Prose contest winner, Julia LoFaso, and runner-ups Alan Sincic and Elita Suratman.

Cover Art, “Lose Yourself,” by Janelle “Lulu” Lassalle

$10.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling.

CutBank 99 - First Ever Indigenous Writers’ Issue

Smmer/Autumn 2023


Poetry by Wilma Mankiller, James Welch, Alina Graves, Rebecca Pelky, Samuel Piccone, Yael Valencia Aldana, Zaynab Iliyasu Bobi, Stephanie Lenox, Laura Da’, and Chris LaTray.

Fiction by Timothy Mullaney and Stephen Graham Jones.

Nonfiction by Lois Welch, Stacie Denetsosie, Jen Knox, and Casandra López.

Notes from Mankiller Poems by Frances McCue and Greg Shaw.

Cover Art by John Pepion

$10.00 plus $3.00 shipping and handling.