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“Like a riverbed, like roots, like veins, like a forgotten incantation I’ll spend my whole life trying to remember” by Morgan Binkerd, @morganbinkerd on Instagram

CutBank 102 | Available Now!

Exclusive Interview with Heid E. Erdrich

Poetry by Michelle Patton, Jen Frantz, Temperance Aghamohammadi, Jake Arrowtop, Michael Lavers, and Rebecca Faulkner

Fiction by Brian J. Buchanan and Andreas Trolf

Nonfiction by Sasha Ree Wohlpart, Diane Zinna, and Don Lago

Translation by Yujing Liang

Interior Art by Morgan Binkerd

Big Sky, Small Prose Flash Contest Winner, Insley Smullen

Big Sky, Small Prose Flash Contest Runners-up, Amy Marques and Sara Dudo

Cover Art by Morgan Binkerd, “Like a riverbed, like roots, like veins, like a forgotten incantation I’ll spend my whole life trying to remember”

$10.00, plus $3.00 shipping and handling


CutBank 101 | Available now!

Exclusive interview with Debra Magpie Earling.

Poetry by Rebecca Clarren, Donald Mace Williams (Translator), Janée J Baugher, and Libby Leonard.

Fiction by Jake Lancaster, Michael Balatico, and Iván Brave (Translator).

Nonfiction by David Tippetts.

Interior art by Vincenxo Cohen.

Montana Prize in Fiction contest winner, William E. Klein.

Montana Prize in Creative Nonfiction contest winner, Ruby Hansen Murray

Patricia Goedicke Prize in Poetry contest winner, Caitlin Scarano and runner-up, Brent Schaeffer

Cover Art, “Eland’s Third Dimension” by Vincenxo Cohen.


“Lose Yourself,” Janelle “Lulu” Lassalle, @jenkhari, Instagram and Twitter

CutBank 100 | Available now!

Exclusive interview with Lidia Yuknavitch.

Poetry by Joseph Byrd, Isha Camara, Patrick Holian, and Mickey Kennedy.

Fiction by Janelle Bassett, Max Kruger- Dull, and Thea Swanson.

Nonfiction by Lauren Fath and Angela Townsend.

Interior art by Eli Boveroux.

Big Sky, Small Prose contest winner, Julia LoFaso, and runner-ups Alan Sincic and Elita Suratman.

Cover Art, “Lose Yourself,” by Janelle “Lulu” Lassalle.

CutBank 99 | Indigenous Writers’ Issue

Poetry by Yael Valencia Aldana, Zaynab Bobi, Laura Da’, Alina Graves, Chris La Tray, Stephanie Lenox, Wilma Mankiller, Rebecca Pelky, Samuel Piccone, and James Welch.

Fiction by Stephen Graham Jones and Timothy Mullaney.

Nonfiction by Stacie Denetsosie, Jen Knox, Casandra López, and Lois Welch.

Cover Art by John Pepion.

CutBank 98 | 50th Anniversary Issue

Poetry by Tyler Kline, James Henry Knippen, Melissa Kwasny, David Moolten, Pádraig Ó Tuama, and Mary Sesso.

Fiction by Michael Caleb Tasker.

Nonfiction by Rachel Attias, Charisse Baldoria, Rose McLarney, and Kathleen Walker.

Author Interview with Pádraig Ó Tuama by Kalani Padilla & Erin O’Regan White.

Interior Photography by David Murphy.

Cover Art by Tino Rodríguez.

More issues (keep scrolling down for chapbooks…)

CutBank 97

Poetry by P. Hodges Adams, Allen Braden, Karissa Chouinard Carmona, Mara Lee Grayson, Leah Claire Kaminski, Shana Ross, Jeneva Burroughs Stone, and John Sibley Williams.

Fiction by Abbie Barker, Elizabeth Childs, K.S. Dyal, Laura Rock Gaughan, Neil Richard Grayson, Christopher Torockio, and Frankie Zwick.

Nonfiction by Andrea Bianchi and Sienna Zeilinger.

Cover Art by Syd Mills.

CutBank 96

Poetry by Anthony Borruso, Jordan Escobar, Jane Morton, Tomaž Šalamun (Translated by Brian Henry), Philip Schaefer, Milla van den Have, and Jane Zwart.

Fiction by Bruce McKay, Alex Moersen, Peter Mountford, Holly Pelesky, and Sarah Walker.

Nonfiction by Robert Blair Porter and Eric W. Willis.

Visual Art by Robert Blair Porter.

Cover Art by Pat Stevens.

CutBank 95

Poetry by Ben Kline, Rebecca Lehmann, Catherine Ragsdale, Stephanie Rogers, Gabrielle Grace Hogan, Chelsea Harlan, Hannah Dierdorff, Kelle Groom, and Theresa Monteiro.

Fiction by Ellen Skirvin, Rich Ives, Paul Riker, and Stephen Brophy.

Nonfiction by Christie Tate and Lena Crown.

Interior Illustrations by Aspen Bienvenue.

Cover Art by Dagny Walton.

CutBank 94

Poetry by Emma DePanise, Beth Suter, Erin Block, Emily Banks, Charlotte Hughes, Justin Jannise, Todd Osborne, Chad Foret, and Serena Solin.

Fiction by Max Gray, Dana Liebelson, Rebecca Moon Ruark, Anna Reeser, John Blair, Francesca Leader, and Elisabeth Adwin Edwards.

Nonfiction by Kelly Magee.

Interior Illustrations by Sarah Scambray.


Everywhere, Tony Danza

by Wendy Oleson


Blue Moon Looming by Javier Sandoval


Coming Home by Angela Siew






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Please mail to:

English Department, LA 133
University of Montana
Missoula, MT 59812

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