ALL ACCOUNTS AND MIXTURE: Poetry by Nicole Oquendo

self is not a pack of she  

self is not a pack of she


or he-wolf

self is fear of living not as she-wolf

or any pronoun

self is vibration


self is the choice to pinch self’s cheek

self is the space between body

self is the body of wolf

self is red


root of red and white bryony

and rose water for she who lacks redness

a red color will appear as if natural

self is space

between woman


gendersex wulf


to choose gender wolf

and sex wolf both

lightly burnt and live electric

fur is upright flexing grass


to identify as packless wolf—

wulf a pronoun and a name—


wolf tooth wolf paw

both waiting wulf baying

at miles of distance a claw pressing

deeper into mud a message when

the curse is broken the word is read

skinning imminent still wulf waits



Nicole Oquendo is a writer, artist, and teacher in Central Florida. Her essays and poetry have appeared in DIAGRAM, fillingStationGulf Stream, Sundog Lit, and Menacing Hedge, among others. She is currently serving as an Assistant Editor for Sundress Publications, and the Nonfiction Editor for Best of the Net.