CutBank Issue 81 available now!

CutBank 81 is here!





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Our latest issue is now available and features the following authors, including the winners of our Montana Prizes for Fiction and Non Fiction and the Patricia Goedicke Prize for Poetry.

Issues are only $10 and available now!


CutBank 81 Contents:


Kiley McLaughlin | poetry Orion’s Daughters

Michael Malan | poetry Overland Park

Katya Kulik | winner, Montana Prize for Nonfiction selected by Alexandra Fuller Annihilation Tango

Naomi Lore | poetry On the ferry to Seattle

Karen Craigo | poetry Escaped Housewife Takes Work as Team Mascot Escaped Housewife Gives Three Good Reasons for Taking Up the Bagpipes

Kate McIntyre | fiction Burial

Robert Farnsworth | poetry Sanguinary Independent Pursuit

James Ducat | poetry Truce

Jake Syersak | winner, Patricia Goedicke Prize for Poetry selected by Juliana Spahr If So, To What Does Thinking So Owe? Suddenly a Wayward to Thinking Words

Michael J. Rosenbaum | winner, Montana Prize for Fiction selected by Steve Almond Tell Me a Sad Story

Jade Merész | collage art Beckoning In Inner Space Interstellar Reconstruction Incognito

Dave Nielson | poetry In Poems About Life

Jocelyn Sears | poetry Summer, Virginia Beach

Kerry James Evans | poetry A Vision

Sierra Bellows | fiction The Patron Saint of Infants

Yim Tan Wong | poetry After the medicine increased, so did the dreams

Cate McLaughlin | poetry Sad Animal

Benjamin Landry | poetry Satellite

James Allen Hall | nonfiction Prophecy

Coco Owen | poetry A Collection of Proverbs and Commonplaces Remixed to Depotentiate Their Potentially Damaging After-Effects

Thomas Mira y Lopez | nonfiction Etiology

Oliver Bendorf | poetry Provincetown,The Woodlot

Nathan Slinker | poetry Mercy