Want more time to write? Engineer/entrepreneur Rob Rhinehart suggests that we can add 90 minutes to our day by spending less time on food preparation, consumption and cleanup. Food writer Nicola Twilley discusses Rhinehart's "Soylent" product at Aeon.
This is your brain on Shakespeare: Jillian Hinchliffe and Seth Frey explore the link between cognitive science and literature at Nautilus.
What's the point, anyway? Time Parks takes a look at the "social function of the novel" at the New York Review of Books. From Tristram Shandy to Tess of the d’Urbervilles to Uncle Tom's Cabin, literature has shaped the social conversation, and continues to do so in increasingly varied ways.
2015 Contests Open Soon!
CutBank sponsors a variety of contests, including the Montana Prize in Fiction, Montana Prize in Creative Nonfiction, and the Patricia Goedicke Prize in Poetry, as well as our annual CutBank Chapbook Contest. Submission dates vary so see our full guidelines for more information. Please send only your best work. With all three of these awards, we’re looking for work that showcases an authentic voice, an original perspective, and a willingness to push against the boundaries of form. All entries must be submitted electronically.