In honor of Thanksgiving, a forkful of literary food links.
NPR interviews Dinah Fried, author of Fictitious Dishes: An Album of Literatures Most Memorable Meals. 2014. Read Salon's review of the book and see another slideshow here, and read Maria Popova's take at Brain Pickings here.
Slideshow: "Ten Great Meals in Literature" from The Telegraph. 2013.
A is for Apples, B is for Booze: "Writer Food from A to Z" from the Awl. 2012.
"Food Writers Share Thanksgiving Stories," from the Daily Beast. 2011.
Scrumptious descriptions of food abound in literary fiction - see ten great examples at Flavorwire in "Fictional Feasts: Mouth-Watering Moments of Literary Gastronomy." 2011.
From Tin House magazine, a collection of writing and recipes from their Readable Feast and Blithe Spirits features.