The sky will never be an ocean,
no matter how often you write it that way.
Georgia Dennison, "Mount Saint Helens—"
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Emma Gonzalez of Douglas High Calls Out Trump, Politicians & NRA.
Kim Addonizio in diode.
"To the Woman Crying Uncontrollably in the Next Stall"
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Arizona legislator kills bill to give inmates free pads, tampons
To Make Prisons "Safer," Some Are Banning . . . Books - The New York Times
ACLU Reverses Prison Bans on The New Jim Crow - Non Profit News | Nonprofit Quarterly
Michigan prisoner turned celebrated author faces bill for his incarceration | US news | The Guardian
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Why the Right Wing Is So Interested in Narrowing Down Education into 'Skills' | Alternet
Zadie Smith on Optimism and Despair - Brain Pickings