THE WOODSHOP: Celebrity Edition

Welcome back to the Woodshop! This week, we explored the work spaces of famous writers both contemporary and historical. To submit your own Woodshop for consideration, please visit or email for more information.






Maya Angelou worked in a rented hotel room, no matter where she lived, with a bible and a bottle of sherry. Read about her workday in this interview with The Paris Review. 









Charlotte Bronte’s parlour was described by friend and biographer Elizabeth Gaskell as “perfection of warmth, snugness and comfort,” but the many deaths that occurred in the room lent it an air of melancholy. Read more at The Guardian.








In the same series from The Guardian, Roald Dahl’s iconic illustrator Quentin Blake reflects on the eclectic shed where the children’s author spun tales of magic and adventure.








Eleanor Catton, youngest-ever winner of the Man Booker Prize, wrote The Luminaries from the corner of her living room. Read more, and explore other author spaces, at Little, Brwn and Company’s Tumblr blog.